The most common question we get is, “where did your name come from” … followed in close second by “Are you Maude?”
So what is a Maude Specklebelly you may wonder? Well lets back up to when we were in the thick of every single detail of opening our sweet little store. We, as in Erin & Jaime — cousins/friends who collaborated together back in 2014 to open Maude's.
So many things came easily to us — our vision, the feel, the goods, but the one thing that wasn’t quite right was the name. The list went on and on, but nothing was exactly what we were looking for. We hadn’t found that one perfect thing that sounded kind of cool, but actually meant something.
In Erin's words... One morning, I woke to an email from my father, who had sent it in the middle of the night. All it had said was “Maude Speckleberry”. Umm…. I turned to my husband with alarm - something is wrong with my dad, we need to go check on him! After reading, Maude Speckleberry to my husband, he shrugged and said, well a Specklebelly is a type of goose.
My mother had passed away the year before and if you didn’t know her, well she was always silly, laughing and joking around with everyone she knew. For years and years my mom had sent one of the neighbors a birthday card and she would sign it, “Maude Speckleberry”. She was sure it brought that older gentleman joy each year to open his mailbox. We don’t know why it came to my dad that night, but around here, we like to think of it as my mom having a little say in a very special piece of Maude’s!
Oh — you might be wondering why our name is Maude Specklebelly’s and not Speckleberry’s...well my husband (the avid hunter) really thought a goose would make a great logo — we tend to agree — and my mom would be smiling down on us. The funny thing is we get called Maude Speckleberry’s quite often, coincidence? Maybe so?